Reception class is usually staffed by one Teacher and a TA at any one time.
Is my child ready for school? What do they need to be able to do?
Children begin school with a range of abilities and we have experienced staff that will help your child to gain independence. In general we would like children to be able to:
- Manage their own toileting including wiping their own bottoms. While staff are near by and the toilets are part of the classroom, staff to not supervise toileting unless the child has a specific need.
- Be able to use a knife and fork to eat.
- Be able to put on their own coat, hat and scarf. Including zipping their coat up.
- Be able to take their own jumpers, socks and shoes off and put them back on.
- Be able to recognise their own name (this is very helpful). If they can write their own name this is even better.
- Be able to rote count to 5 and recognise these numerals. Be able to count 5 objects with one to one correspondence.