We believe in a balance between child led and adult led learning. Children come together on the carpet for teacher led input on subjects such as phonics, reading, maths and topic for a short focused amount of time. Children may then be asked to complete an activity as a small group, supported by an adult.
Topics may be seasonal, planned in response to children’s interests or to support specific learning intentions.Teachers value child initiated learning and learning through play. Staff observe children learning and capture observations using Tapestry and online learning journal. This helps parents and carers not only to see how their child is learning at school but also to contribute their own observations and activities to the journal.
At Kirk Merrington Primary the EYFS Framework learning is divided into 7 Areas:
These are the prime areas:
- communication and language
- physical development
- personal, social and emotional development.
The specific areas are:
- literacy
- mathematics
- understanding the world
- expressive arts and design
At the end of the Reception year children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals to determine if they have achieved a good level of development. This is a statutory assessment that is reported to parents and the local authority.