At Kirk Merrington Primary School our moto is TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More and this message is evident throughout our curriculum. We passionately believe that high quality physical education inspires our pupils to succeed and excel in competitive activities and sports as well as encourage our children to lead healthy and active lifestyles both physically and mentally. Our P.E. curriculum provides all children with a range of opportunities to develop their physical skills, build their teamwork and communication skills as well as reflect upon their own performance.
At Kirk Merrington Primary School our P.E. curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Become independent learners
- Develop their resilience and ability to work in teams
- Lead healthy and active lifestyles
- Increase their ability to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- Engage in a range of competitive sports and activities
Sports Funding and Spending CONTEXT 2024-25
The PE Curriculum:
Our long term plan for PE follows County Durham Core Tasks as a teaching and assessment tool, allowing teachers to execute high quality PE lessons. All children have access to the programmes of study, which include; games, dance, gymnastics and athletics, with the addition of swimming and OAA at Key Stage 2.
Pupils in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 engage in two hours of high-quality PE every week. PE is taught by class teachers and our Sports Coach. In Year 4, children have weekly swimming lessons at Broom Cottages Swimming Pool with a qualified swimming instructor. In addition to practical P.E. lessons, we provide the children with a termly classroom based theory P.E. lesson in order to develop the children’s understanding of mental health and the impact that physical activity can have on mental health. The idea behind a theory based P.E. lesson is for the children to become reflective learners and make links between physical activity, mental strength and overall healthy lifestyles.
Our long term plan has been carefully set out to ensure progression of skills from reception up to year 6. In Reception and Key Stage One, there is a strong focus on developing fundamental movement skills with an emphasis on enhancing and refining these skills through game, play and performance in Key Stage Two.
The children at Kirk Merrington Primary School are provided with a vast range of sporting activities and experiences. We strive for all children to encounter positive experiences of sport from an early age that instils a lifelong love of sports and being active. All children have an opportunity to take part in competitive sport. The children develop their resilience as they work as a member of a team. We also stress the importance of good sportsmanship and encourage respect to all participants. Children enjoy their P.E. lessons and after school clubs are well attended. We aim for all children to participate in at least one sporting club throughout the year. The children understand the importance that exercise can have on their body, both physically and mentally.
Swimming and Water Safety outcomes- Year 6
- Able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25m- 100%
- Use a range of strokes effectively, 10m unaided (front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)- 100%
- Perform a self rescue in different water-based situations- 100%
Long Term Plan
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