At Kirk Merrington Primary School we have 2 sittings for lunch to cater for EYFS, Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2.
Lunches are eaten between 11.45 pm and 12.35 pm every day. Children can have a school lunch, or alternatively bring in a packed lunch from home.
Our school dinners are not just delicious – they are good for you too. They meet the national nutritional standards introduced to make sure that every child has a healthy and balanced diet.
Every lunchtime we offer a choice of vegetarian, meat or sandwich options, all with vegetables or salad. Fresh homemade bread, fresh salad, fresh fruit and yoghurts are served daily.
Children are provided with water to drink with their lunch. This is provided by the School for an additional termly cost.
Meals are selected by parents and children at home in advance termly. The menu works on a 3 week cycle.
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance, please let us know. We will be happy to cater for them. School dinners cost £2.50 per day for children in Key Stage 2. This should be paid directly into your ParentPay account either weekly, monthly, half termly or termly, it is your decision how much you pay.
If you have any queries regarding the provision for school lunches, please contact the School office directly.
View our School Lunch Menu:
Fruit Scheme
We are proud to be involved in the Fruit in Schools scheme funded by the National Lottery. This provides all Key Stage 1 children with a piece of fruit each morning breaktime.
Lots of research has been done into the benefits of children having access to drinking water. It is believed that drinking water throughout the day improves alertness, concentration levels and the ability to learn.
Every child is allowed to have their own water bottle in school, filled each day from our filtered water machine, and kept in the classroom for personal access. The bottles must be taken home weekly for thorough cleaning and brought back to school each Monday morning.
Morning Milk
Parents may choose to order milk for their child to have during the morning session, and this is free for children under 5yrs. The milk scheme is run by Cool Milk and parents wishing to take advantage of this can complete an application form online or call into the school office for a paper copy.
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